Terms Of Use
Hate speech and bullying
- Shehudiezer.com contents must not incite hatred or discriminate against people on the basis of their race, response, ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, language, racism, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, etc.
- Our content must not harass, intimidate or bully a person that is not in the same religion with us, the management of shehudiezer.com has mantain the responsibility and needs of their followers, and the world in large.
Safety and inappropriate content
- shehudiezer.com will not post any content that threaten or advocate for harm to oneself or others.
- shehudiezer.com website will not post content that contains graphic sexual text, image, audio, videos, or games, or any inappropriate thing close to above mentioned habits.
- We will not publish articles that contain non-consensual sexual themes or promote a sexual act in exchange for compensation or something.
- We will not publish any content containing child and sexual abuse.
- shehudiezer.com commits not to post any adult theme or layout within family content.
- shehudiezer.com will not post any content that promotes illegal activity, harrassment, abuse, hatred act that may infringe the legal rights of others.